Monday, January 18, 2010

Oh crap, I've crossed over into the Dark Side of blogging and Star Trek

So I just spent the last hour or so looking at random blogs on the "most looked" at blogs section or whatever it is called; I've come to the conclusion that blogs are pretty much online diary's that you let people read if they so choose. How wierd is that? We go from hiding our diary's under our mattresses, and throwing a fit when younger siblings read it and mock us in that oh so irritating voice that only younger siblings can manage, to putting our thoughts and daily activities on the internet for random strangers to read and comment about. That is just bizzare. Who ever told us to share should be pushed down some stairs, this 'sharing your feelings' thing has gotten way out of control! So I might as well join in on the madness, especially since a blog is needed for one of my classes. Wierd.
Recently I crossed a line that I swore never to cross; I became a trekkie. Or trekker. Whatever. The point is I have offically gone over to the Dark Side. I purchased the entire original series and it is arriving today, and I plan on spending several hours with my roommates watching the awesomeness that is Shatner and Star Trek. Yes, I know, it is very sad. And yes, I do recognize how ridiculous and cheesy this show is, it is from the 60's and all that jazz. And yet, I find the cheesyness part of the original series Star Trek charm. The cheesyness only makes me like it more, and yes, I understand that that is also very wierd. My lameness only seems to increase as time goes on, and yet I care less and less. I was always a bookworm, a gamer (hey, I actually do have a life outside books, video games, and other nerd like things. I have played soccer and basketball for years, I have many friends which I love to hang out with, I go to university. See, I'm not totally lame! or maybe I am just trying to convince myself...) but when my cousin moved into my apartment when he got into school only a month or two before the semester actually began, and thus had no time to find housing of his own, he's lucky he's my favorite relative, he re-introduced me to Star Trek. By re-introduce I mean I had seen the 4th movie, you know the one with the whales (ha! seriously it always makes me laugh to say/write this), many times since it is the one they play on TV most often. And since my parents grew up in the 60's and 70's when Star Trek: TOS was still new, they would often watch it when it was on TV, making it so I had seen some of it when I was a kid. So anyways, my cousin was the catalyst, and now I love Star Trek. Le sigh. Fortunatly I've dragged by BFF down with me. Misery loves company!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad to see that you're pursuing your blog beyond the assignments.
